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How soon after treatment can i return to my daily activity ?

eDermastamp treatments are minimally invasive, leaving your skin red (looking much like a sunburn) for 24-36 hours. Some clients report a bit of tenderness. We recommended avoiding makeup for 24 hours after the treatment and using light mineral makeup afterward. Clients report that post-treatment redness diminishes upon subsequent sessions. Following post-care instructions given after treatment will give the best result.

Is the eDermastamp suitable for all skin tones ?

Yes, the eDermatamp is suitable for all skin tones.

How does the eDermastamp feel ?

Since we use a numbing cream prior to the treatment, most clients report a sensation similar to exfoliation.

How many eDermastamp sessions are recommended ?

In general, we recommend 4-6 treatments, 6-8 weeks apart. Results vary, and more sessions may be needed.

What is Micro-needling?

Micro-needling is a form of collagen induction therapy. It has become a popular treatment in aesthetics, used to reduce the appearance of fine lines, acne scars and improve the skin’s overall appearance. During this procedure, small injuries are made to the skin with sanitized and small needles. The skin then produces collagen and elastin at the sites of injury in order to naturally repair itself. The procedure also creates superficial micro-channels through which topical skin-safe gels, creams and serums can be penetrated deeper into the dermis and can help improve the appearance of the skin.

What conditions can be treated with microneedling?

Microneedling treatments can address a variety of conditions including but not limited to:

  • Reducing the appearance of acne scars
  • tightening the skin and restoring elasticity
  • reduced appearances of stretch marks
  • minimizing the appearance of pores and smoothing overall of complexion
  • reduction in the appearance of scarring anywhere on the body
  • reduction in the appearance of pigmentation marks
  • reducing the appearance of texturizing of skin

Which areas of the body can be treated with microneedling?

The procedure can be carried out anywhere on the body. Some common treatment areas are the face, neck, décolleté and hands to help reduce the look of aging. The thighs, buttocks, hips and abdomen are also popular to minimise the appearance of stretch marks and tighten the skin.

How does microneedling work?

Microeedling works by encouraging your skin you can make more collagen. The pin pricks from the procedure causes light injury to the skin.This process generates new collagen-rich tissue as the skin repairs itself naturally. Blood supply is enhanced and over the following weeks the skin becomes thicker, plumper with an increasingly vibrant and youthful complexion.

What happens during the appointment?

The treatment area will be thoroughly cleansed, and a topical anaesthetic cream will be applied to maximise patient comfort during the procedure. This is left on for around 20-30 minutes for a mild facial rejuvenation treatment and up to an hour for a deeper treatment such as scar reduction or intense skin tightening and rejuvenation.

Numbing the treatment area is often the longest part of the treatment and once the cream is removed the needling procedure can start. The treatment can take anything from 10 to 30 minutes depending on the size of the area and the depth required for treatment. During deeper treatments especially there will be visible micro bleeding which is the required end state of the treatment.

The skin will be cleansed following the treatment, and the appropriate skin care applied, enabling the products to sink deep into the dermal layers for optimum results.

Does the treatment hurt?

A topical local anaesthetic will be applied and therefore the treatment should not be painful. There may be some minor discomfort in sensitive areas. During a deeper treatment some patients feel a minor stinging sensation.

How will I look after the treatment?

Patients generally look flushed, resembling having a moderate sunburn and the skin will feel warm and slightly tight. This reduces over the following 24-48 hours. Full aftercare instructions will be given during your appointment.

How long will it be before I can see results?

This depends on your bodies cell renewal process which generally slows down when we age. Results are normally visible within the first week, but optimum results can take up to six weeks as the skin continues to repair itself. The regeneration process will continue for several months and for best results, multiple sessions are recommended.

How many treatments will I need?

The number of treatments required will depend on several factors including age, the area being treated, the condition you are receiving treatment for and skin condition. Generally, a course of 4-6 treatments spaced between 4 and 8 weeks apart is enough. Once you are satisfied with your results, we recommended a single session treatment be performed every six months to maintain the results.

Are there any side effects?

Microneedling is safe, with minimal side effects or associated risks. The skin will appear red for up to 48 hours following the procedure with some minor bleeding and bruising possible. The area will feel warm, dry or tight for a short while. Other side effects typically include minor flaking or dryness of the skin, and in rare cases some scabbing . If you have a history of cold sores, they may reappear after treatment.

Who should not have microneedling?

Microneedling is suitable for most skin types, however, it is not suitable for patients within the following:

  • anyone who has used Roaccutane/Accutane (isotretinoin) within the last 6 months.
  • having open wounds, cuts or abrasions to the skin.
  • have had radiation treatment within the last year.
  • have a current outbreak of herpes simplex (cold sores) active acne, or any other infection/chronic skin conditions in the area to be treated.
  • have areas of the skin that are numb or lack sensation.
  • Are pregnant or breast feeding.
  • have a history of keloid or hypertrophic scars or poor wound healing.

Does microneedling work?

Various clinical studies have shown microneedling to be an effective non-surgical treatment for a variety of skin conditions. These include ageing, (wrinkles, fine lines, and stretch marks), scarring (acne and surgical), as well as cellulite and hyperpigmentation.

In addition, further studies have shown that microneedling is a better treatment option than dermabrasion, chemical peels, and laser resurfacing. It is clinically proven to be effective in its ability to stimulate collagen and elastin production.


What is Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is a treatment that uses a medical scalpel to gently exfoliate the outer layer of dead skin cells and removes fine vellus hair, commonly known as “peach fuzz”.

It can be used as an alternative to laser treatments and microdermabrasion or alongside them for enhanced results. This procedure will give your skin a more radiant appearance and smooth texture. Following the treatment, makeup application is smoother and other skincare products are able to penetrate deeper into the skin in turn, making them more effective.

Am I a good candidate?

Dermal landing is safe for all skin types, and is sometimes advised as a more gentle form of exfoliation for pregnant/nursing women or those with sensitive skin. Dermaplaning can also help reduce the appearance of shallow acne scars, fine lines and superficial hyperpigmentation.

Is the treatment safe?

This treatment is extremely safe when performed by a properly trained skincare professional. There is no more risk to the skin than when you shave your legs. There is also no downtime associated with this procedure making it desirable to many individuals looking for immediate results with no downtime.

Does it hurt? Will it cause cuts?

Dermaplaning is effective by performing a gentle scraping motion across the skin’s surface and is entirely painless. There are risks of cuts on the skin, however they are small and very minor as the pressure used for Dermaplaning cannot cause a deep cut. These nicks and scrapes are rare but do heal within 24-48 hours just as it would when shaving with a razor.

Will it make the hair on my face grow back thicker and darker?

No. This is a common misconception. There are different types of hair that grow on the body; vellus hair and terminal hair. Vellus hair is found on most areas of the body, whereas terminal hairs are found on the scalp, underarms and pubic region. The soft and fine vellus hair grows back at the same rate and texture always whereas terminal hair can grow back more coarse.

What is the benefit of adding a chemical peel with Dermaplaning?

Hyperkeratosis is a build up of dead skin cells on the skin’s surface. By removing this initial layer, a chemical peel is able to penetrate deeper into the dermis resulting in a more effective treatment. The conjunction of dermaplaning and a chemical peel leaves the skin refreshed and rejuvenated. Together they promote new skin growth and target problems such as aging, sun spots and environmental damage.

How long is the treatment? How often can I have it done?

Dermaplaning takes anywhere between 30-45 minutes and can be performed every 3-4 weeks. The treatment itself removes dead skin so it is important to let your skin repair itself and rejuvenate before your next appointment.

What is the difference between dermaplaning and microdermabrasion?

Both options are a form of physical exfoliation. Dermaplaning removes vellus hair (peach fuzz) and dead skin cells from the skin, whereas microdermabrasion exfoliates the surface of the skin, but not quite as thoroughly or as deeply as dermaplaning does.


What is the OxyGeneo™ Technology?

OxyGeneo™ is an innovative technology for skin exfoliation (removal of dead skin cells from the skin surface), for the purpose of improving skin oxygen levels, and infusion of essential nutrients to enrich the skin. The simultaneous skin exfoliation along with skin oxygenation optimizes the absorption of the valuable components in our nutrient-rich gels into the skin.

Is there down time after the Oxygeneo treatment?

No, You can resume your daily routine immediately after an OxyGeneo™ treatment and there is no need for special care. We do advise, however, that you apply sunscreen after treatment to protect the skin.

How does the OxyGeneo™ feel?

An OxyGeneo™ session feels like a facial massage. The exfoliation is described as very refreshing and comfortable. Many clients fall asleep and wake up feeling rested and rejuvenated. Clients with sensitive skin may have a slight tingling sensation during the session.

Is the session suitable for men too?

The session is suitable for both women and men, and both benefit from its outcome. It is preferable if men do not shave on the day of the session and preferably shave a day in advance if they choose to do so.

What outcome can I expect from an OxyGeneo™ session?

After an OxyGeneo™ session your skin will feel smoother, fresher and look brighter with a more uniform tone. Your skin will be plump and hydrated. You will notice: restored volume and a renewed youthful glow, firm skin and tightened pores, improved skin cell production.

Skin Tightening

When can I expect to see results?

The majority of patients are able to see a visible difference immediately after the 1st treatment – especially following treatment on the face. However, in order to achieve long-term results, you will need to undergo several TriPollar treatment sessions, until you reach your desired results.

How sessions do I need in order to achieve long-term desired results?

Long-term results vary depending on the area to be treated and the desired result. In general, you will need to undergo between 6 to 8 treatments on average. To maintain results, we recommend 1 session every 1-3 months, depending on desired effect.

Can I undergo more than one TriPollar treatment session per week?

It is recommended to undergo no more than one TriPollar treatment per week to obtain optimal results. Collagen production and fat metabolism are processes that take time; therefore a complete TriPollar treatment should be scheduled no more than once a week.

What does a TriPollar treatment feel like?

A TriPollar treatment feels like a warm massage. It is pleasant and pain-free. Most patients even report falling asleep during treatments. The treatment lasts an average of 30-60 minutes, depending on the treatment area.

What do I need to do in order to maintain the result?

It is recommended to undergo maintenance treatments every 4 to 8 weeks to prolong and enhance the results.

Do TriPollar treatments work on all skin colors?

TriPollar treatments are suitable for all skin colors, including dark and pigmented skin. The treatment is based on Radio Frequency (RF) energy that produces heat in the target area.

How do I know if TriPollar treatments are right for me?

In general, if you are healthy, then you are a suitable candidate for TriPollar treatments. There are very few specific treatment contraindications such as: pregnancy, superficial metal implants in the treatment areas, and pacemakers.

Can I continue my normal routine immediately after treatment sessions?

After TriPollar treatments, you can immediately return to your daily routine. It is a “walk-in, walk-out” procedure with no downtime.

Is the TriPollar treatment suitable for women after pregnancy?

TriPollar treatments are suitable for women who are post-pregnancy for circumference reduction and tightening of loose skin. However, it is recommended to start the treatment only between 1 and 3 months after delivery, in accordance with each individual’s post-partum recovery.

Why is glycerin used during TriPollar treatments?

Glycerin was found to be the most suitable material due to its high resistance to RF. It allows the RF to penetrate to the deep layers while preventing the epidermal layer from becoming overheated or harmed. Glycerin is also widely used in the cosmetics industry as a safe and beneficial component, in addition to helping the applicator glide comfortably over the skin and keeping it feeling cool


What is laser hair removal ?

It is the process of hair removal by means of exposure to pulses of laser light that destroyed the hair follicle.

Why should I choose soprano ice platinum?

The soprano ice platinum device uses “trio cluster diode technology” or three different wavelengths in one laser. This allows it to target a broad spectrum for treatment. Its technology allows for optimal absorption and penetration to remove unwanted hair. Treatment with a soprano Ice platinum device insures a comprehensive solution to your areas of unwanted hair.

What are Ingrown Hairs?

Ingrown hairs, otherwise known as also known as Pseudofolliculitis barbae (or PFB), is a condition that usually manifests as small and slightly raised reddish bumps surrounding hair follicles. They can often be painful and irritating.

The condition usually occurs when a hair (that has recently been shaved, waxed or plucked) grows back and gets trapped inside the follicle, curling into itself, or grows into the skin surrounding the follicle. When this happens the trapped hair causes skin irritation that can range from minor inflammation to moderate acne or severe infection.

Can Laser Hair Removal help with Ingrown Hairs?

Yes! A common use of laser machines is the treatment and prevention of ingrown hairs anywhere on a patient’s face or body.

Lasers are able to stop the development of ingrown hairs by stopping hair from growing before it has a chance to become trapped in the skin or follicle. It also works to address existing ingrown hairs in a similar way, offering patients a comprehensive solution to the problem. After only a few sessions of laser treatment, patients are able to put a stop to ingrown hairs.

Who is a candidate for laser hair removal?

Men and women of any age looking to rid themselves of unwanted hair! The Alma Soprano Platinum system can safely and effectively remove hair from virtually anywhere on the face and body. The Soprano Platinum can treat all skin types, hair types and most hair colors.

What to expect? Will my hair grow back?

Hair reduction is gradual, most patient’s see 50-65% reduction after one session. Many patients may be alarmed by what appears to be new hair growth at this time but this is actually surface hair shedding and is a natural part of the removal process. Once the hair follicle is permanently damaged, new hair cannot grow. During the process, some of these follicles may be only partially damaged and will need to be retreated. Follow-up treatments are necessary in order to achieve full hair removal.

How many sessions will I need to be hair free ?

Full hair removal generally requires 8-10 sessions spaced 4-6 weeks apart, however by your 6th treatment you will already be noticing a huge reduction in hair growth. The reason you need 8-10 sessions is because our hair grows in 3 different cycles and the laser needs to target all 3 growth cycles for permanent hair removal. Depending on factors such as age, hormonal conditions and hair thickness, single sessions might be required to maintain results 6-12 months after initial treatment plan.

Is laser hair removal using the Alma Soprano Ice Platinum safe?

Alma Soprano Platinum has been FDA and Health Canada approved to effectively treat all skin tones, including dark skin.

Who is not suitable to get laser hair removal ?

Everyone is suitable to get laser hair removal, but darker skin types have to be careful.

You may have to avoid treatment if :

  • you are pregnant
  • Are taking certain medications
  • Have genital herpes or are prone to cold sores
  • Have keloid scarring
  • Have or have had skin cancer
  • Have used Accutane for the past 6 Months

The list of contractions is not limited to this and your technician will do a proper consultation before hand to see if you are suitable candidate.

We highly suggest to book in for a consultation, before booking in for a session.

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