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Laser Hair Removal

Sopranoice Platinum Laser Hair Removal (Lhr)

What is it

Soprano Ice Platinum laser hair removal is a safe and effective way to permanently reduce unwanted hair growth on various areas of the body. It uses a cutting-edge laser technology to target hair follicles and destroy them, resulting in smooth and hair-free skin.

The Soprano Ice Platinum system uses a combination of three different laser wavelengths (755nm, 810nm, and 1064nm) to target hair follicles of different depths and sizes. This allows for the treatment of all skin types, including darker skin tones.

The laser emits energy that is absorbed by the pigment (melanin) in the hair follicles, heating and destroying them while leaving the surrounding skin tissue unharmed. The Soprano Ice Platinum system uses a unique cooling technology that helps to protect the skin and ensure a comfortable and pain-free treatment

The number of treatments required depends on the individual and the area being treated, but typically a series of 6-8 treatments is recommended to achieve optimal results. The treatments are usually spaced 4-8 weeks apart, depending on the area being treated and the individual’s hair growth cycle.

Commonly Asked Questions

Who should get it?

Soprano Ice Platinum laser hair removal is generally safe for most people.

People who may benefit from Soprano Ice Platinum include those who:

  • Have unwanted hair on various parts of their body
  • Have dark, coarse hair that is difficult to remove with traditional hair removal methods
  • Want a permanent hair removal solution

It’s important to consult with our licensed aestheticians to see if it is suitable for you. We can evaluate your skin type, hair color, medical history, and any other factors that may affect the safety and effectiveness of the treatment./p>

Who shoudnt get it?

People who may not be good candidates for Soprano Ice Platinum include those who:

  • Have very light or blonde hair, as the laser targets the pigment in the hair follicle, which is more difficult to detect in lighter hair colors
  • Have recently been tanned or sunburned, as this can increase the risk of skin damage or pigmentation changes
  • Have a history of keloid scarring or other skin disorders
  • Are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Are taking medications that increase sensitivity to light, such as some antibiotics or acne medications (ACCUTANE)
  • Are using any form of Vitamin A or acids on the treatment area

It’s important to consult with our licensed aestheticians to see if it is suitable for you.

What are the benefits?

People who may not be good candidates for Soprano Ice Platinum include those who:

  • Permanent hair reduction: targets and destroys hair follicles, resulting in smoother and hair-free skin.
  • Precision: The laser targets hair follicles with great precision, leaving the surrounding skin tissue unharmed.
  • Speed: The Soprano Ice Platinum system uses a large applicator that can cover large areas of the body quickly, making the treatment faster and more efficient than traditional hair removal methods.
  • Comfort: The treatment is virtually pain-free and comfortable, thanks to the unique cooling technology that cools the skin and protects it from the heat of the laser.
  • Versatility: The Soprano Ice Platinum system can be used on various parts of the body, including the face, arms, legs, underarms, bikini area, and back.
  • No downtime: There is no downtime required after the treatment, and patients can resume their normal activities immediately after the treatment.
  • Long-lasting results: Soprano Ice Platinum laser hair removal offers long-lasting results, with most patients experiencing permanent hair reduction after a series of treatments.

Overall, Soprano Ice Platinum laser hair removal offers a safe, effective, and convenient solution for permanent hair reduction, helping people achieve smoother and hair-free skin without the hassle and discomfort of traditional hair removal methods.

What to ecpect after?

While Soprano Ice Platinum is generally safe and effective, there are some risks associated with the treatment, such as skin irritation, and redness. It’s important to consult with our licensed aestheticians to see if it is suitable for you.

What is laser hair removal ?

It is the process of hair removal by means of exposure to pulses of laser light that destroyed the hair follicle.

Why should I choose soprano ice platinum?

The soprano ice platinum device uses “trio cluster diode technology” or three different wavelengths in one laser. This allows it to target a broad spectrum for treatment. Its technology allows for optimal absorption and penetration to remove unwanted hair. Treatment with a soprano Ice platinum device insures a comprehensive solution to your areas of unwanted hair.

What are Ingrown Hairs?

Ingrown hairs, otherwise known as also known as Pseudofolliculitis barbae (or PFB), is a condition that usually manifests as small and slightly raised reddish bumps surrounding hair follicles. They can often be painful and irritating.

The condition usually occurs when a hair (that has recently been shaved, waxed or plucked) grows back and gets trapped inside the follicle, curling into itself, or grows into the skin surrounding the follicle. When this happens the trapped hair causes skin irritation that can range from minor inflammation to moderate acne or severe infection.

Can Laser Hair Removal help with Ingrown Hairs?

Yes! A common use of laser machines is the treatment and prevention of ingrown hairs anywhere on a patient’s face or body.

Lasers are able to stop the development of ingrown hairs by stopping hair from growing before it has a chance to become trapped in the skin or follicle. It also works to address existing ingrown hairs in a similar way, offering patients a comprehensive solution to the problem. After only a few sessions of laser treatment, patients are able to put a stop to ingrown hairs.

Who is a candidate for laser hair removal?

Men and women of any age looking to rid themselves of unwanted hair! The Alma Soprano Platinum system can safely and effectively remove hair from virtually anywhere on the face and body. The Soprano Platinum can treat all skin types, hair types and most hair colors.

What to expect? Will my hair grow back?

Hair reduction is gradual, most patient’s see 50-65% reduction after one session. Many patients may be alarmed by what appears to be new hair growth at this time but this is actually surface hair shedding and is a natural part of the removal process. Once the hair follicle is permanently damaged, new hair cannot grow. During the process, some of these follicles may be only partially damaged and will need to be retreated. Follow-up treatments are necessary in order to achieve full hair removal.

How many sessions will I need to be hair free ?

Full hair removal generally requires 8-10 sessions spaced 4-6 weeks apart, however by your 6th treatment you will already be noticing a huge reduction in hair growth. The reason you need 8-10 sessions is because our hair grows in 3 different cycles and the laser needs to target all 3 growth cycles for permanent hair removal. Depending on factors such as age, hormonal conditions and hair thickness, single sessions might be required to maintain results 6-12 months after initial treatment plan.

Is laser hair removal using the Alma Soprano Ice Platinum safe?

Alma Soprano Platinum has been FDA and Health Canada approved to effectively treat all skin tones, including dark skin.

Who is not suitable to get laser hair removal ?

Everyone is suitable to get laser hair removal, but darker skin types have to be careful.

You may have to avoid treatment if :

  • you are pregnant
  • Are taking certain medications
  • Have genital herpes or are prone to cold sores
  • Have keloid scarring
  • Have or have had skin cancer
  • Have used Accutane for the past 6 Months

The list of contractions is not limited to this and your technician will do a proper consultation before hand to see if you are suitable candidate.

We highly suggest to book in for a consultation, before booking in for a session.


Pre-Care Instructions

1. Consultation: Schedule a consultation to discuss your skin type, hair color, and medical history. This will help determine if laser hair removal is suitable for you and establish the right treatment parameters.

2. Shave the Treatment Area: It is recommended to shave the treatment area a day or two before your laser hair removal session.

3. Avoid Sun Exposure: Minimize sun exposure and avoid tanning beds for at least four to six weeks prior to your laser hair removal treatment. Sunburned or tanned skin increases the risk of complications and may affect the efficacy of the treatment.

4. Avoid Hair Removal Methods: Avoid plucking, waxing, or using depilatory creams in the treatment area for at least four weeks before the laser hair removal session. These methods remove the hair follicles, which are the target for the laser.

5. Skincare Products: Discontinue the use of any skincare products that contain retinoids, enzymes, acids, or other active ingredients in the treatment area for a week prior to the session, as they can increase skin sensitivity and interfere with the treatment.

6. Communicate Any Concerns: Let your technician know what your expectations are, previous experiences with LHR devices, and if there are any areas you’d like to have focused on. Any and all concerns are welcome to be discussed at this stage.

Post-Care Instructions

1. Avoid Sun Exposure: After the treatment, protect the treated area from direct sun exposure and apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30. Sun protection helps prevent hyperpigmentation and allows the skin to heal properly.

2. Avoid Heat and Friction: Avoid exposing the treated area to hot water, hot tubs, saunas, or excessive heat for at least 48 hours post-treatment. Additionally, avoid anything that may cause friction or irritation, such as excessive rubbing or tight clothing.

3. Gentle Cleansing: Cleanse the treated area gently with mild soap or a gentle cleanser. Avoid using harsh or abrasive scrubs, exfoliants, acids, retinoids or products that may irritate the skin.

4. Moisturize: Apply a soothing and hydrating moisturizer to the treated area to keep the skin moisturized and alleviate any dryness or redness. Can also apply cool aloe vera gel.

5. Avoid Hair Removal Methods: Do not pluck, wax, or use depilatory creams in the treated area between sessions. However, it is generally fine to shave as needed. Although we do recommend waiting 2-3 weeks before shaving, to see if the hair is being targeted correctly.

6. Follow-up Treatments: Laser hair removal sessions are necessary for optimal results. The recommended treatment schedule is every 4-6 weeks for the face and 6-8 weeks for the body. It is recommended to get 8-12 sessions but may vary depending on hair growth cycle.

7. Communicate Any Concerns: Let your technician know how the regrowth is, and if there are any areas you’d like to have focused on further. All concerns are welcome to be discussed.

LHR Prices


Body Area Regular Price
NECK (front or back) $40

LHR Packages

Package Price Description
Package 1 $250 includes full face, half arms, half legs, underarms and bikini
Package 2 $350 includes upper lip + chin, full arms, full legs, underarms and brazilian
Package 3 $499 includes full face, full arms, full legs, underarms, full back, full abdomen and Brazilian



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