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Skin Tightening

Body Part Time (in minutes) Amount
Face 45 $99
Face+Neck 60 $129
Eyes 30 $69

What is it

Radio frequency (RF) skin tightening is a non-invasive procedure that uses heat energy to stimulate collagen production and tighten the skin.

During an RF skin tightening treatment, we use the Oxygeneo machine with the Tripollar handpiece to deliver RF energy into the skin. This energy heats up the dermis, which is the deeper layer of skin, and stimulates the production of new collagen fibers. This process helps to tighten and lift the skin, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and improve skin texture and tone.

RF skin tightening is typically performed on the face, neck, and body and is suitable for all skin types. The treatment is painless, and there is no downtime required. Most people require multiple sessions to achieve optimal results, which can last for several months to a year or more, with an effective at home routine.

RF skin tightening is a safe and effective alternative to surgical procedures such as a facelift or body lift and can be combined with other treatments. However, it’s important to note that RF skin tightening is not a weight-loss treatment and is best for people who are looking to tighten and firm their skin in specific areas.

Commonly Asked Questions

Who Should get it?

RF skin tightening is an excellent option for individuals who are looking to improve the appearance of loose, sagging skin, and who may not be ready for more invasive surgical procedures.

The ideal candidates for RF skin tightening include

  • have mild to moderate skin laxity
  • want firmer, plumper skin
  • need an alternative to botox or fillers
  • want to improve the appearance of loose skin on the face, neck, or body
  • have realistic expectations about what the treatment can achieve

RF skin tightening may not be suitable for individuals who have more severe skin laxity, as the results may not be as noticeable. Additionally, individuals who are pregnant or have a pacemaker or other implanted medical devices may not be able to undergo RF skin tightening.

It is important to note that while RF skin tightening is a safe and effective procedure, it is not a weight loss treatment and should not be used as a replacement for a healthy diet and regular exercise. If you are interested in RF skin tightening, it is best to consult with a qualified dermatologist or plastic surgeon to determine if the treatment is right for you.

Who Shoudnt Get It?

RF skin tightening may not be suitable for individuals

  • who have more severe skin laxity, as the results may not be as noticeable.
  • If you are pregnant
  • have a pacemaker or other implanted medical devices
  • open wounds
  • active acne

What Are The Benefits?

RF skin tightening offers several benefits for individuals looking to improve the appearance of loose skin. Some of the key benefits include:

  • Non-invasive: requires no incisions, making it a safe and convenient option for many people.
  • Minimal downtime: most people can return to their regular activities immediately after the treatment.
  • Stimulates collagen production: RF skin tightening works by heating up the deeper layers of skin, which stimulates the production of new collagen fibers. Collagen is an essential protein that provides structure and support to the skin, so increased collagen production can help to improve skin firmness, texture, and tone.
  • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles: RF skin tightening can help to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the face, neck, and body.
  • Safe for all skin types: RF skin tightening is suitable for individuals of all skin types and colors, as it does not damage the outer layer of skin.
  • Long-lasting results: The results of RF skin tightening can last for several months to a year or more, making it a cost-effective treatment option.

Overall, RF skin tightening is a safe and effective treatment option for individuals looking to improve the appearance of loose, sagging skin without the need for invasive surgery.

What To Expect After?

There are little side effects to this treatment. The skin may feel a bit warm due to being heated up with the handpiece. Skin may seem a bit red and flushed, but will subside after 24-48 hrs.

When can I expect to see results?

The majority of patients are able to see a visible difference immediately after the 1st treatment – especially following treatment on the face. However, in order to achieve long-term results, you will need to undergo several TriPollar treatment sessions, until you reach your desired results.

How sessions do I need in order to achieve long-term desired results?

Long-term results vary depending on the area to be treated and the desired result. In general, you will need to undergo between 6 to 8 treatments on average. To maintain results, we recommend 1 session every 1-3 months, depending on desired effect.

Can I undergo more than one TriPollar treatment session per week?

It is recommended to undergo no more than one TriPollar treatment per week to obtain optimal results. Collagen production and fat metabolism are processes that take time; therefore a complete TriPollar treatment should be scheduled no more than once a week.

What does a TriPollar treatment feel like?

A TriPollar treatment feels like a warm massage. It is pleasant and pain-free. Most patients even report falling asleep during treatments. The treatment lasts an average of 30-60 minutes, depending on the treatment area.

What do I need to do in order to maintain the result?

It is recommended to undergo maintenance treatments every 4 to 8 weeks to prolong and enhance the results.

Do TriPollar treatments work on all skin colors?

TriPollar treatments are suitable for all skin colors, including dark and pigmented skin. The treatment is based on Radio Frequency (RF) energy that produces heat in the target area.

How do I know if TriPollar treatments are right for me?

In general, if you are healthy, then you are a suitable candidate for TriPollar treatments. There are very few specific treatment contraindications such as: pregnancy, superficial metal implants in the treatment areas, and pacemakers.

Can I continue my normal routine immediately after treatment sessions?

After TriPollar treatments, you can immediately return to your daily routine. It is a “walk-in, walk-out” procedure with no downtime.

Is the TriPollar treatment suitable for women after pregnancy?

TriPollar treatments are suitable for women who are post-pregnancy for circumference reduction and tightening of loose skin. However, it is recommended to start the treatment only between 1 and 3 months after delivery, in accordance with each individual’s post-partum recovery.

Why is glycerin used during TriPollar treatments?

Glycerin was found to be the most suitable material due to its high resistance to RF. It allows the RF to penetrate to the deep layers while preventing the epidermal layer from becoming overheated or harmed. Glycerin is also widely used in the cosmetics industry as a safe and beneficial component, in addition to helping the applicator glide comfortably over the skin and keeping it feeling cool


Pre-Care Instructions

1. Sun Exposure: Minimize sun exposure and use sunscreen regularly in the weeks leading up to your RF skin tightening treatment. Sunburned or tanned skin should not undergo RF treatment.

2. Skincare Products: Discontinue the use of retinoids, exfoliating products, or any other harsh skincare ingredients for a few days prior to your RF treatment to minimize skin sensitivity, as we will be applying heat to the skin.

Post-Care Instructions

1. Moisturize: Apply a hydrating moisturizer to keep the skin nourished and moisturized after the RF treatment.

2. Sun Protection: Protect your skin from the sun by applying a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 regularly. Sunscreen is crucial to prevent sun damage and maintain the results of the RF treatment.

3. Follow-up Treatments: Depending on your skin concerns, a series of sessions may be recommended. Follow the recommended treatment plan and spacing intervals for optimal results.



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